MAKE More links from Episode 52:
The Uber of Garden care app:
SAVE More links from Episode 53 of Easy Money:
Rebates offered by power companies:
LED lights for the best price:
Energy Star LEDs are the highest standard:
FIND Yours links from Episode 52 of Easy Money:
To Claim Abandoned checks from Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield of New York:
Via e-mail: contact Customer Services or Provider Services
By phone:
•If you are currently a health plan member, please call the phone number on your member card
•If you are no longer a health plan member, or if you are calling on behalf of the estate of a family member, call Excellus BlueCross BlueShield: 1-800-499-1275.
•To claim a check after September, contact the NYS Comptroller’s office directly at 1-800-221-9311