Every day, lawyers settle class action lawsuits on behalf of consumers. With so many settlements out there, chances are you have purchased products that weren’t all they promised to be, somebody sued, and you could be due some money back. Normally, the courts require companies to send eligible consumers letters. But often they don’t know who their customers are or you toss the letter because it looks like junk mail. Luckily there’s now a website that tracks class action lawsuits and even allows you to apply for them online. The site is: TopClassActions.com and it’s free to consumers. Looking at the site right now, there are tons of interesting cases.
•For example, you could be eligible for a few dollars if you ever bought Honest Company Dish Soap, which claimed to be free of sodium laurel sulfate. The plaintiffs say it was NOT free of that chemical and the case is ongoing.
i•Here’s another one: Electrolux Home Products Inc. has agreed to settle a class action lawsuit alleging some of its dryers were defective and when lint built up they would catch fire. ELectrolux has already agreed to pay consumers up to $1,300 if they actually experienced a fire and $350 toward a new dryer if you have not had a fire.
•One more: Homeowners who purchased AZEK decking boards made of PVC could get up to $2,000. AZEK advertised that the decking required little maintenance and only periodic cleaning. Consumers say the boards were actually so weak that they weren’t even suitable for outdoor use.
TopClassActions even has a newsletter that lets you know about new lawsuits and settlements each week, so if you don’t see something you’re eligible for right away, you may down the line. Check it out and claim your money! Every year, millions of dollars worth of class action money go unclaimed.