EPISODE 71~ SAVE MORE: The Power of 100 points, How Raising Your Credit Score Over The Crucial Threshold Can Save You BIG $$

Save more money with The Easy Money Show

On past podcasts, I have talked about slow, steady ways of improving your credit score like paying down bills and paying them on time. And I’ve talked about fast, flashy ways of improving your credit score, like becoming an authorized user on somebody else’s healthy account or asking creditors to delete single sins that are dragging your score down.

Now I want to talk about why you should go to the trouble to take those steps to raise your credit score if it’s not tip top. By tip top I mean 720 or above on a scale of 300 to 850. 720 is the base threshold for obtaining the very good interest rates on loans, whether for credit cards, car notes, mortgages or other loans. 740 or 760 get you even better deals. But let’s use 720 as our goal here.

Suppose you started out with a credit score of 620, which is about the lowest score you can have and still get a private mortgage with no government assistance. I did some research and a typical interest rate for somebody with a score of 620 might be about 6 and a half percent. BUT if you raise that score up to 720, you would qualify for a mortgage rate of just over 5%. About a point and a half less.

Now let me do a math comparison for you on a $300-thousand dollar mortgage. With the roughly 6 and a half percent interest rate you’d get with your 620 credit score, interest on your mortgage will cost you about $23,000 a year. If you raise your score to 720 and lower your interest rate to 5%, then your loan will cost about $20,000 a year in interest. So just by staking steps to raise your score, you will save $3,000 a year and nearly a hundred thousand dollars if you kept the mortgage for 30 years.

I did some math for an auto loan too, and I won’t go into all of the exact interest rates and prices here, but a score of 720 instead of 620 could save you nearly $3,000 over the course of a 3-year auto loan.

Here’s my favorite part about raising and then maintaining a high credit score: it’s free. All you have to do is use your current credit responsibly and you will save thousands of dollars on your future credit.

EPISODE 71~ FIND YOURS: How to Find Unclaimed Royalties Using a New Tool Called RoyaltyClaim.com

Find unclaimed money with The Easy Money Show

RoyaltyClaim.com was founded by music industry professor and consultant Dae Bogan. He says on his website: “I founded RoyaltyClaim, the world’s first search engine of unclaimed music royalties and licenses” to help “DIY musicians and rights-holders identify thousands of unclaimed entitlements. He says that in just a few months, scores of musicians have been able to find their missing money via the site “with one particular music producer uncovering nearly $150,000 in unclaimed royalties due to him.”
Bogan says the problem is that the music system is so complex —and I can attest to that, given that I’ve spent the last several episodes digging up a bunch of different potential sources of unclaimed royalties for musicians.

RoyaltyClaim attempts to bridge the many gaps by offering both free and paid searches of music royalties and also music licenses. One thing I like is that RoyaltyClaim allows musicians to search their name, but also to search other key words, like maybe the title of their most popular song.

I actually tried a free search of the site, looking for unclaimed royalties for my friend Tamara’s late beau, John. John was a prolific performer and producer. So I found 918,708 royalty records under his name just for the month of August 2018. And nearly a million more from September of 2017.

Now, I realize that you may not be a famous musician listening to Easy Money. But maybe you’re a superfan? Why not conduct a quick free search for your favorite artist and then fill them in on anything you find? It’s easy to reach out even to famous people via social media these days. And you’d be sharing good news.

LINK: Use RoyaltyClaim.com to search for unpaid music royalties: www.royaltyclaim.com/#pricing

EPISODE 70~ TOP TIP: Don’t Skim or Skip the Closing Paperwork on Your New Home!

It can be tempting to skim —or skip— the pages and pages of closing paperwork they present you with when you settle on a new home. But that could be an expensive mistake! Here’s one sleazy practice to look out for, especially if yours is a subprime loan: Predatory lenders sometimes add expensive homeowner’s insurance to your mortgage even though you already have insurance of your own. No doubt they are getting some sort of kickback. It’s TRUE that your mortgage lender can force you to GET homeowner’s insurance to protect their investment in your home, but they don’t have the right to make you get it from THEIR pet company. Buyer beware!

EPISODE 70 ~ MAKE MORE: Put Some Extra Money in Your Pocket Renting Your Real Estate via AirBnB

Our houses are usually the most expensive things we buy, and then maintaining them really can feel like a money pit. But could your house, your second home or just a room in your home help you MAKE money instead? I am talking, of course, about renting out real estate via AirBnB. I didn’t have to look far to find today’s guest. He is Paul “Woody” Woodhull, my Easy Money show producer, but also an avid entrepreneur and an AirBnB super-host! Hi, Woody. Thanks for stepping out of the control room and into the studio to do this segment with me.

What is it that you rent out on AirBnB? A room? An apartment? A house?

Why AirBNB? How did you find it and what do you like about it?

I think you rented out this same property long-term before. Do you make more money renting it short-term via AirBnB? And, if so, is the extra work of cleaning it for new guests worth it?

I’ve heard that AirBnB provides great support to its hosts. What sorts of things does the company do for you?

In fact, you found AirBnB so lucrative that you are now converting other units in that same building from commercial to residential, so you can put them on AirBnB as well. Do you really think you can recoup your renovation costs?

Of course, we have to address the elephant in the room: many cities across the country are up in arms saying that AirBnB takes away potentially affordable housing for locals. What do you think?

I have another friend who was on the verge of losing her home, because she couldn’t make the mortgage. She started renting out rooms in her own home and it’s what has allowed her to stay in the house. Is there a counterargument to be made that AirBnB is helping some people make money they need to live on?

Woody, you know that I always ask this impolite question on Easy Money, because you’re the producer: What kind of money have you been able to make renting out your property on AirBnB?

And, finally, what is your number one piece of advice for other people who might want to give AIrBnB a try?

Paul “Woody” Woodhull, podcast producer, entrepreneur, with a sideline as a superhost, thanks for sharing your knowledge about AirBnB with our Easy Money listeners!

EPISODE 70~ SAVE MORE: Want to Save Money on Food? Try Grocery Auctions!

Save more money with The Easy Money Show

Yes, I said “grocery auctions.” Weird but real. At a grocery auction, You’ve got the same fast-talking auctioneer, but he’s hawking apples instead of antiques. Amazing! I once attended a grocery auction in New Haven, Indiana for a Good Morning America story. My boss was a former food producer, so we did a LOT of food-related consumer stories at GMA. There were about 500 people at the Indiana auction, a lot considering they were all there through word-of-mouth. Participants told me they went for the energetic social atmosphere of the auction and stayed for the savings. One guy said he was routinely able to buy $450 worth of groceries for just $150.
A grocery auction works just like a regular auction, with one key difference. Since there’s more than one of each product; everyone who wants an item walks away with it in hand. The auctioneer gets people bidding on an item, say frozen French fries. Once the price will go no higher, that’s the price everybody who wants that product pays.
Most food auctions offer hundreds of different foods and household supplies. Some are surplus goods, like you’d get at a discount store such as MacFrugal’s or Big Lots. There are also a lot of dinged and damaged packages, with perfectly good products inside. You will also see items close to their expiration dates.
Now, bidder beware! In the excitement of an auction atmosphere, it’s easy to overpay, so it’s essential that you know what your favorite foods normally cost so you’ll know whether you’re really bagging a bargain. I put the Indiana auction’s prices to the test by comparing them with prices at a nearby grocery store. I picked a random cross section of half a dozen products and found the savings was 66 percent! Two thirds off AND free people watching and entertainment!
To find a grocery auction near you, just google “grocery auction near me. I did that myself before I came into the studio and came up a variety of choices near DC, where I live. You can also check out the website of the National Auctioneers Association: Auctioneers.org. The site has a tool where you can search for auctions and auctioneers by zip code.

LINK: To find grocery auctions: www.Auctioneers.org.

EPISODE 70~ FIND YOURS: Find Lost Royalties Held by SoundExchange

Find unclaimed money with The Easy Money Show

SoundExchange —all one word— is the non-profit group congress designated to collect and distribute royalties for digital recordings. The group has paid more than $5 billion dollars to recording artists since its start. But it has also FAILED to pay others, when it was unable to locate them, through no fault of its own, and that’s where the unclaimed money opportunity lies.
When you get to the SoundExchange page for searching for unpaid, unclaimed royalties, you can see that it is very simply laid out. There is an alphabetical, searchable list of bands and individuals who have recorded music that somebody else may have used and paid royalties on.
There are 45,643 accounts listed in all! Some are famous musicians, like I found unclaimed royalties for Pat Monahan, lead singer of the band train. Others are unknowns. Case in point, I also found my old struggling musician boyfriend from when I was 23 years old listed!
And not all are rock or pop or country type bands like you would hear on the radio. In fact, the very first listing in the database is something called the March of Dimes chorus.
Even if you don’t find something now, SoundExchange encourages all performers on sound recordings to register with the group, so that it has your contact information for any future royalties.
The whole thing is impressively straight-forward and user-friendly and, once again, I encourage musicians and family members of musicians to check it out.

LINK: To find unclaimed royalties held by SoundExchange: www.soundexchange.com/artist-copyright-owner/does-soundexchange-have-royalties-for-you/search-for-artist/

EPISODE 69~ LINKS: Resources To Help You Make More, Save More, Find Yours

SAVE More links from Episode 69 of Easy Money:

A software for PC that organizes all of the video out there into channels: PlayOn.tv
Download the app version of the software: www.playon.tv/download

Save money and get ride of your home phone: support.google.com/voice/answer/7207482?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en
Connect your modem and your internal telephone line with a OBIHAI adaptor: www.walmart.com/ip/OBIHAI-UNIVERSAL-VOIP-ADAPTER-SUPPORTS-4-SIP-SERVICES-OBITALK/29861174?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227020075523&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40300193672&wl4=pla-78266875712&wl5=9019562&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=29861174&wl13=&veh=sem

Keep up with the latest sales: camelcamelcamel.com/

Have a Fire? Learn how to side load: www.laptopmag.com/articles/fire-tablet-sideload-apps

Buy a gadget to plug in your tablet via Bluetooth that will read codes and even reset: www.amazon.com/BAFX-Products-Bluetooth-Diagnostic-Scanner/dp/B005NLQAHS/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1536617697&sr=8-8&keywords=auto+code+reader+scanner+diagnostic+scan+tool

MAKE More links from Episode 69 of Easy Money:

If you would like to see the entire list of high-pay, low-stress jobs:

FIND More links from Episode 69 of Easy Money:

Search for unclaimed money with music royalties with the American Federation of Musicians: