EPISODE 22~ GUEST BLOG: Cut The Cord: How To Cancel Cable And Save Big

By Dennis Restauro

Grounded Reason has over 200 pages on cutting the cord and getting rid of pay TV. The links in my cord cutting guide are either the most important articles on cutting the cord, or articles that answer questions I’m often asked. There is a lot of content on the site explaining how to cut the cord and replace your pay-TV subscription with cheaper alternatives. I’ve compiled the pages that will answer nearly any question you will have when it comes to cutting the cord.
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Guest Name: Dennis Restauro
Guest Title: Host, The Grounded Reason Podcast
Guest Website: www.groundedreason.com/
Guest Podcast: Grounded Reason on iTunes
Guest Bio: Dennis Restauro is an IT Specialist and has worked in Information Technology for over 20 years. After realizing the closed off, insular culture of IT, he started Grounded Reason to broaden the public’s understanding of modern technology. Grounded Reason’s mission is to help everyone realize the money-saving and life-changing power of tech in today’s modern world.

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