Let’s talk about how to search for unclaimed money for a small business —or a big business, for that matter. I emphasize small businesses only because there may very well be an owner/operator who will directly benefit from finding his or her own unclaimed money.
There are probably more entries in state unclaimed money databases for people than for businesses, simply because there are more people! But unclaimed money listings for businesses tend to be bigger! In other words: worth looking into! Here’s how you do it.
Number 1: Go to MissingMoney.com or unclaimed.org (remember, .org) and search the state where the business is or was based.
Number 2: Enter the full business name in the Business search box, if there is one, OR in the last name box.
Number 3: Now, reverse the name and plug it into the same box. So, to use an out-of-business example, you would type in Circuit City AND City, Circuit.
Number 4: Now try plugging different parts of the company name into the first name AND the last name box.
Number 5: Try running the two words CircuitCity together and also try searching under common misspellings of the business name.
This may sound tedious but it only takes a couple of minutes and it works! Here’s proof: a letter I received from the president of a small investment business, after giving a speech to his company about unclaimed money.
“Dear Elisabeth, you know your stuff! I’m pleased and amazed to report that I had my assistant search our company name on the unclaimed property websites you recommended. Sure enough, she found 6 different listings totaling nearly $30,000! Next time I’m in DC, I owe you and your husband a nice dinner out!”
So… search the name of your small business today. Or, if you’re an employee, search the name of your BIG business and turn over anything you find to the company. They may even give you a finder’s fee! Let me know what you find!