- EPISODE 63~ LINKS: Resources To Help You Make More, Save More, Find Yours - SAVE More links from Episode 63 of Easy Money: Cancer patient access to clinical trails: www.lazarex.org A list of other organizations that provide various kinds of financial support to cancer patients and their families: www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/financial-considerations/financial-resources NIH has a similar web page that lists financial resources for those with genetic and rare diseases: rarediseases.info.nih.gov/guides/pages/149/tips-for-finding-financial-aid MAKE More …
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- EPISODE 63~ TOP TIP: Pay Attention to the Medications You’re Taking - Pharmacies make an estimated 15 million medication mistakes every year and that includes filling the wrong strength of medicine and even the wrong medicine altogether. SO know the “3 S’s” of any medication you take: Size, shape and strength and double check those whenever you refill a prescription. Have a new script? Look up a …
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- EPISODE 63 ~ MAKE MORE: Keep This Detail OFF Your Resume If You Want the Job - Standard resume protocol calls for job seekers to list their education along with graduation dates. However, with a workforce that increasingly prioritizes youth, especially in fields like tech where the average employee is in their 20s, it can be tough for more experienced people looking to make a career shift. While federal law prohibits age-related discrimination, it …
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- EPISODE 63~ SAVE MORE: When You’re Sick There’s a Way to Pay For Your Treatment - Being diagnosed with a disease is not only devastating to your health and emotions, it can also wreak havoc on your finances. But there are groups out there that will help patients out in these circumstances, and sometimes even pick up the tab. That is our featured “save more” segment of this podcast and for …
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- EPISODE 63~ FIND YOURS: How to Negotiate With a Professional Unclaimed Money Finder and Get Your Money for Less! - Now, I’m on the record as saying that for MOST unclaimed money searches, you do not need to hire professional help at all. Just go to MissingMoney.com and unclaimed.org and conduct your own search for free. BUT in the course of doing this show, I’ve met some finders who persuaded me that in certain situations …